Search Results

There are 50 item(s) tagged with the keyword "science".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 50

11. Russia's Cup of Tea

Russian scientists are attempting to bring tea cultivation to more Northern regions of the country. 

Tags: science, research, krasnodar, tea
12. Rocket Man Turns Elton John

The director of Roscosmos uses the organization's website to distribute his latest hits.

Tags: Internet, music, science, space
13. Humans Descended from Alien Mushrooms

A leading Russian journalist has put together research from foreign institutions to make an interesting claim.

Tags: evolution, science, mushrooms
14. Maps, Mail Trucks, and Caviar

This week, officials make outrageous demands, maps cost a man his job, and science meets geopolitics.

Tags: Far East, mail, food, science, cities, government
15. Insults, Overpriced Benches, and Space Toilets

This week, astronauts find some relief, citizens share their shame, and the dangers of sugar may finally be made public.

Tags: poll, science, space, cities, government, corruption, health
16. Nuclear Power, Permafrost, and Olympiads

This week, we've got math olympiads, economic data, and exploding permafrost.

Tags: education, nuclear, belarus, lithuania, science, crime, math, work, Siberia
17. Not-So-Fresh Siberian Air

A recent study finds that Siberia's air quality may be worse than you'd think.

Tags: pollution, science, government, health, environment, Siberia
18. Bring Out the Big Guns

A Russian arms company is working towards a sniper rifle with a range of nearly five miles.

Tags: technology, business, military, science
19. Archaeologists Make a Home Run

A baseball dating back to the 12th century has been unearthed in one of Russia's oldest cities.

Tags: Veliky Novgorod, medieval, science, archaeology, history, sports
20. The Latest RosCosmos Launch: A TV Channel

A TV channel for Russia's space agency will be blasting off in the coming months.

Tags: education, technology, science, Roscosmos, space, television

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 50

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