The Russian Life Events Calendar is your first stop for finding Russophile-related events in the US and around the world. Have an event to share? Use our submission form to give us all the details of your event and we will add it to our database.
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Screening of Fragment, and Q&A with world renowned stage director Dmitry Krymov.
Film presentation of three distinct plays, directed by Dmitry Krymov.
San Francisco's two-day Slavic Festival on May 2-3 in Lower Pacific Heights.
An exhibit showcasing TMORA’s unique collection of nesting dolls, the largest in this country.
Mysteries and Odysseys: Some of the remarkable stories told by the artifacts in the Russian History Museum’s collection.
Free monthly online event series featuring leading scholars on Russian history and culture.
Art Exhibit: Russia's Native Mushrooms: Botanical Watercolors by Alexander Viazmensky
Stage Adaptation of Master and Margarita, Or, The Devil Comes to Moscow
Join The Museum of Russian Art on an Alaskan Cruise adventure!
The 27th Annual Conference of CARTA (Central Association of Russian Teachers of America)
A general overview of Soviet and Russian “friendship societies” over the last 100 years in different European countries, including the United Kingdom, and will explore their similarities and differences.
A remarkable evening celebrating the opening of Geometric Abstraction at The Museum of Russian Art
Exhibit: Painting to Scale at the Zimmereli Art Museum
An evening exploring the fascinating world of Orthodox Christian icons and their place in museum collections.
The 29th Annual St. Petersburg Winter Ball, where elegance meets winter wonderland!
Lecture: From Peter the Great to Napoleon the Lesser: Dostoevsky and the Great Men of History
A selection of spun cotton figurines used for tree decoration in the USSR in the 1930s through 1950s.
Free Storytelling in Russian
A screening and panel discussion of a short film examining the life of Joseph Brodsky, the celebrated Russian-Jewish American writer and Nobel Laureate
Russian-speaking guides conduct tours of the museum's highlights every Monday at 11 am.
Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.
Russian Life 73 Main Street, Suite 402 Montpelier VT 05602
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