Give Back

If you are looking for ways to further the Russophile agenda, we offer a few ideas here. 

Sponsor a School
Sponsor a School

Nearly two decades ago, Russian Life inaugurated a special Education Patron Program to underwrite distribution of Russian Life to Russian language students in the United States. Subscribers and friends of the magazine make small donations each year to sponsor this school distribution program.

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Support Journalists
Sponsor Journalists

Help us build a fund to support Russian journalists' reporting in this very difficult times.

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What We Do
What We Do

At Russian Life, we are committed to supporting causes that protect our natural environment, promote arts and education, and help those in greatest need.

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About Us

Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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Our Contacts

Russian Life
73 Main Street, Suite 402
Montpelier VT 05602
