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There are 58 item(s) tagged with the keyword "international relations".

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 58

21. Cry for Me, Argentina

Six pregnant Russians were detained while entering Argentina, prompting a criminal investigation into birth tourism agencies.

Tags: espionage, war, women, international relations, Argentina
22. What Is Fair in Love and War?

The International Olympic Committee is advocating for Russian and Belarusian involvement in the 2024 Olympic Games.

Tags: international relations, boycott, doping, war in ukraine, olympics
23. Chinese Arbitration?

China's UN representative has suggested that Beijing could perhaps mediate a peace deal between Kiev and Moscow.

Tags: international relations, diplomacy, war in ukraine
24. Spies in the Arctic

A seventh Russian spy has been arrested in Norway for nefarious activities.

Tags: international relations, norway, government, espionage, spies
25. Genocide Preventing Genocide

Russia filed an official objection against Ukraine's case that Russia committed genocide during its invasion of its neighbor.

Tags: international relations, government, law, genocide, United Nations, war in ukraine
26. From Offense to Defense

After a five-day referendum, Putin signs a decree integrating Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk into Russia.

Tags: international relations, DPR, LPR, UN, putin, independence, war in ukraine
27. Sentenced to Return Home

After negotiations, Russia agreed to release 10 foreign prisoners captured during the fighting in Ukraine.

Tags: war in ukraine, social issues, prisoners, international relations, saudi arabia
28. Served Uncivilly

An employee of the international governmental organization OSCE has been sentenced to thirteen years by authorities in Russia-supported Luhansk.

Tags: international relations, human rights, law, Luhansk
29. Turkey Takes a Side

The possibility of another Chernobyl incident brings Turkey to Ukraine's side.

Tags: international relations, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Ukraine, war in ukraine, turkey
30. My God, a Symbol of Separation

“There was a certain girl here who was handing out some permission to paint to artists, complete nonsense. I gave her this work, and the first thing she said was that it was a very dangerous job, because if Gorbachev saw it, he would not allow the unification of Germany and that she will send it to the senate of West Berlin, which was a different country, for approval.” 

                                   –  Dmitry Vrubel, the artist behind the Berlin Wall's "The Fraternal Kiss"
Tags: russians abroad, Dmitri Vrubel, international relations, berlin wall

Displaying: 21 - 30 of 58

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