Search Results

There are 181 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Russia".

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 181

51. Grab a Guinness for Orthodoxy

Does Russian St. Patrick's Day have leprechauns? After you ponder that, there's a reindeer herder fighting big oil, humans-turned-Twitter bots, and a mysterious murder.

Tags: russia, khanty, kechimov, twitter, yevdokimov, st. patrick's day, aeroflot
By Alice E.M. Underwood
52. Medical tourism, space tourism, imaginary tourism

A Moon landing is on the horizon. Eurovision, with its typical set of scandals, is on an even closer horizon. And on your way, why not stop by Red Square for some dental work?

Tags: russia, cosmonaut, eurovision, tourism
By Alice E.M. Underwood
53. Say no to discrimination, ducks, and hugs

International Women's Day was celebrated by marches, flowers, and flash mobs. In other news, Russia and China are BFFs, and Prime Minister Medvedev likes ducks. 

Tags: russia, international women's day, china, medvedev
By Alice E.M. Underwood
54. Cats, droids, and acrobatic rock & roll

A friendly robot graces the metro and a politically charged (and financed) dance studio gets footloose thanks to the youngest Putin. Also, happy World Cat Day!

Tags: russia, moscow, metro, putin, tikhonova, dance, cats, robot
By Alice E.M. Underwood
55. 100 Years Ago, In a Monarchy Far, Far Away

Exactly 100 years ago, on February 23, 1917, the Russian Revolution began. And once you've learned about that, there's space, WWII reenactments, and a portal back to medieval times. 

Tags: russia, february revolution, 1917, bolsheviks, space, WWII, medieval
By Alice E.M. Underwood
56. The Kremlin on Ice

Convicts carve up the Kremlin, an assassin wins a prize, and governors drop like flies. Actually, that all sounds a lot worse than what happened. Find out for yourself. 

Tags: Russia, prison, Kremlin, Photo of the Year, politics
By Alice E.M. Underwood
57. Buddha in a blizzard, tsar in the tropics

A Buddhist monastery in the mountains fights one millionaire, and Kiribati's islands welcome another one. There's also exorcism, the Facebook of 1917, and general happiness. 

Tags: russia, kachkanar, evraz, kiribati, bakov, exorcism
By Alice E.M. Underwood
58. Blogging Bears, Ivan the Terrible Rapper, and a Blob

A polar bear travels the world, a historian serves up the Rhyme of Troubles, the Kremlin gets a new alien, and Presidents Putin and Trump get along by the skin of their teeth. 

Tags: russia, travel, bear, history, zhdun
By Alice E.M. Underwood
59. Happy Birthday, Vodka! 10 Shots of Trivia

In 1865, vodka joined bears and matryoshkas as an eternal symbol of Russia. Here's how it happened, plus nine trivia tidbits on Russia's most beloved, harmful, and historical libation. 

Tags: russia, vodka, history, smirnoff
By Alice E.M. Underwood
60. Bacon, comics, and fairy tales on ice

Adapting to life in Russia? Comic books. Craving cuteness? Piglets getting saved from a fire. Not Russian enough for you? Ice swimming. And for good measure, zombies. 

Tags: russia, migrants, moscow, epiphany, putin, ice swimming
By Alice E.M. Underwood

Displaying: 51 - 60 of 181

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