January 22, 2020 Booting a Boot, Selling a Psychic Cat, and Eating Leftovers In this week's Odder News: a Pushkin theme park, a boot-kicking contest, and just the kind of entrepreneurial shake-up the world needs right now. Animals Culture Food & Drink St. Petersburg Odder News
January 01, 2020 A Dish for All Seasons January 7 is Russian Orthodox Christmas, which calls for a Christmas dish. But the chosen one, kutya, is much more than a winter holiday treat. Culture Food & Drink Holidays
December 26, 2019 Sushi Russia's Most Popular Delivery Food Nothing says the Russian holiday season like rolling up to an office party with… sushi rolls? Food & Drink Holidays Russia File
November 16, 2019 No Shortage of Soup and Porridge! Seven types of kasha to last you all winter – from farina to kutya, and everything worth eating in between... Culture Food & Drink History Russia File
November 07, 2019 Tis the Season for Pickled Ferns and Ice Cream Fish aren’t food, ice cream is medicine, ferns are pickles Food & Drink Humor News The Weekly Russia File Russia File
November 04, 2019 No Shortage of Soup and Porridge! Hearty Russian soups to warm up this autumn, all seven days a week. Culture Food & Drink Russia File
November 01, 2019 Piter's People – Nikita Filippov Nikita was trained as a philologist, but gave it all up to co-found a craft brewery. Food & Drink St. Petersburg Travel Piter's People Russia File
October 31, 2019 "Eagles These Days Text Too Much," Said Putin (Or Did He?) This week, eagles rack up data bills while Putin pontificates about AI and a restaurant operator starts Meatless Mondays. Environment Food & Drink Internet The Weekly Russia File Russia File
October 17, 2019 Things to Avoid After Drinking Vodka Fall starts on a harmonious note, Putin’s meeting with the Saudis — not so much. Also, happy birthday to vodka! Food & Drink Int'l Relations Regions The Weekly Russia File Russia File
September 14, 2019 Eight Russian Desserts To Make Your Mouth Water Forget vodka – dessert is the best part of Russian meals. Culture Food & Drink Russia File
September 01, 2019 King Mushroom Mushrooms have always been a part of the Russian diet, going back to ancient times, Food & Drink History
September 01, 2019 Parting Shot A telling photo from Voronezh's Central Market. Food & Drink Photography Regions