October 16, 2021 A New Spin on an Old Painting The internet has been talking about Ilya Repin's painting Barge Haulers on the Volga a lot lately but, as usual, it is ignoring history. Art History Internet Russia File
October 09, 2021 A Rare Royal Romanov Wedding A wedding fit for a Romanov went down in St. Petersburg on the first of October. Family History Russians Abroad St. Petersburg Russia File
September 27, 2021 Kremlin Finally Gets Around to Clearing Out Old Basement Archaeologists have just completed digging through layers of cultural strata in the middle of the Kremlin, unearthing some interesting finds they totally forgot were down there. Art Culture History Moscow Russia File
September 26, 2021 Follow the Money Russia's independent press faces innumerable pressures. Former Russian Life Editor Mikhail Ivanov (1995–2003) describes how economic issues have long plagued the Russian media system. Culture Economy History Journalism Russia File
September 25, 2021 Remembering Yaroslavl's Lost Hockey Team A decade has passed since an entire Russian professional hockey team was lost in a moment. History News Regions Sports Russia File
September 19, 2021 Worthy of Aivazovsky's Brush If you love the sea, Ivan Aivazovsky is your man. Everyone should know about this Armenian-Russian painter. Art History Literature Russia File
September 16, 2021 Pumpkins, Medieval Renaissance Festivals, and Cattle Stealing In this week's Odder News, enormous pumpkins, LARPing in honor of Alexander Nevsky, and horses in cars. Agriculture History News Rural Life Odder News
September 12, 2021 Your Trip To The U.S.S.R. Let's take a trip to a nation that no longer exists! We've got an old hard-cover travel guide to lead the way. History Int'l Relations Travel Russia File
September 05, 2021 Great Grechka! In May, the Russian Federation temporarily banned the export of grechka, also known as buckwheat, from June 5 to August 31. Culture Food & Drink Health History Russia File
September 01, 2021 Profiles in Courage It takes something special in a human being to create a thing from scratch, to see a slab of stone and carve it into a sculpture, to see an empty storefront and turn it into a store, to sketch out a multistory building on paper and then shepherd it into existence in the real world. History Journalism
September 01, 2021 Moscow's Modernist Marvel Sometimes the most incredible things can be hidden in plain sight. In this case, a main thoroughfare in the capital. Architecture History Moscow
September 01, 2021 Censored Roots: Russian Life at 65 The progenitor of Russian Life got its start 65 years ago this fall. We talk to one of its famous early editors about what it was like to write about Russia for the world in that era. History Journalism