Search Results

There are 28 item(s) tagged with the keyword "Lenin".

Displaying: 21 - 28 of 28

21. The Corpse of Lenin and the Rebirth of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is now 25: citizens voted to rename Leningrad as St. Petersburg on June 12, 1991. Lenin’s legacy was at the center of the change, and remains a hot topic 25 years later.

Tags: st. petersburg, lenin, leningrad, glasnost, soviet union, 1917
By Alice E.M. Underwood
22. The Course of Revolution Is Not Smooth

With the temporary triumph of Russian workers in the 1905 revolution, every opposition party expects a piece of the pie. But not if it's the anarchist party! Just ten years after his own politically-motivated arrest and exile, Vladimir Lenin wrote a scathing critique of the anarchists' attempt to join the revolution and work toward a better society.

Tags: lenin, 1905, anarchism, socialism
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
23. Subbotniks: Soviet "Days of Service"

Once, a group of factory workers decided to work without pay for the war effort. Somehow their voluntary sacrifice became the entire Soviet Union's mandatory labor - all "for the greater good."

Tags: ussr, russian history, subbotnik, lenin
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
24. Bukharin: Rise and Fall

Nikolai Bukharin, the Moscow revolutionary, was on the rise throughout the early twentieth century – but as we all know, what goes up must come down. Turns out you come down especially fast if you meet Stalin at the top.

Tags: 1917, 1938, bukharin, stalin, russia, soviet union, soviet era, communism, lenin
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
25. Patriotism: A USSR Story

Being patriotic in the Soviet Union was a duty, a challenge, and a potential pitfall, all rolled into one. The story of one Soviet singer, Joseph Kobzon, shows how one cultural idol walked that dangerous line.

Tags: russia, russian music, patriotism, ussr, soviet union, kobzon, politics, music, culture, lenin, brezhnev
By Eugenia Sokolskaya
26. Suppressed Testament of Lenin - pt. 13

Radek as a Source of Information

Tags: lenin, trotsky, politics
27. Creation of the Comintern

In 1919, after two failed Socialist Internationals, Lenin decided that there was a need for a new organization to bring solidarity among the working class; the Communist International was born.

Tags: comintern, soviet era, lenin
By Linda DeLaine
28. Shchi soup: a not so invisible hand in history

For many centuries, shchi soup has been a staple of Russian cuisine. There is evidence that shchi was known in Rus long before the adoption of Christianity in 988 A.D.

Tags: Lenin, Ivan the Terrible, soup, shchi

Displaying: 21 - 28 of 28

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