Russian Life Magazine

Explore past issues of the magazine. Issues published in the last year are generally available for sale as single issues.

July/Aug 2013

July/August 2013

Lost Photos Rediscovered • Izhevsk • Russian Bees Saving US Agriculture • Russian Paris • The Last Days of Russian America • Surviving Diminutives • Okroshka • Pyotr Nesterov • Young Pushkin • Lenin in London


May/June 2013

May/June 2013

Siberian Tea Road • China's Russian Cartoonist • Romanovs' 400th Anniversary • Russian Hawaii • Secrets of the Romanovs • Climbing Mt. Elbrus • The Russian Tongue • Chelyabinsk Meteor • Catherine's Decree of Secrecy • Shishkin's Protest • The Last Oligarch


Mar/Apr 2013

March/April 2013

The Broken Orphan System • Alef Sausage • 1983: The Scariest Year • Koryak Cultural Loss • Russian Alaska • Bolshoi Acid Attack • Stalin's Death • Sophia Paleologue • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin • Language of Military Gear • Kamchatka • Salmon zakuski • One Adoptee's Tale


Jan/Feb 2013

January/February 2013

Circassians Who Want to Return to Russia • Russia's Iron Roads at 175 • Tsarist Coronation Albums • Stanislavsky at 150 • The 1903 Ball • Health of Russian Leaders • Magnitsky Bill & End of Jackson-Vanik • Lucky Cookies (Kozuli) • Russian for Cheaters


Nov/Dec 2012

November/December 2012

Baikonur • Publishing for Kids • A Church a Bird Built • Lev Gumilev • Spirits of Home and Forest • Khrushchev's Manege Outburst • Pavel Fedotov • The Nutcracker • Language of the Enemy • The Kovsh


Sep/Oct 2012

September/October 2012

War of 1812, First Person • Aquarium • Cuban Missile Crisis • North Koreans in Siberia • Faces of Borodino • Pussy Riot • The New Dissidents • Worst Nuclear Accident Before Chernobyl • First Trains • Red Terror • Flood in Krymsk • The Power of Currants • Books on Aristocrats, Noir, Film and Churches


July/Aug 2012

July/August 2012

2012 Olympics • Running Moscow • 1612 and 2012 • Claiming the Arctic • Abe & Alex, a Tale of Two Liberators • Matilda Kshesinskaya • Moscow Gets the Telephone • Catherine the Great Rises • Russian Authors in New York • The Language of Sobriety • Putin Returns • Sour Cabbage 


May/June 2012

May/June 2012

Extreme Russia • Victor Tsoy • Russia's (and perhaps Japan's) Greatest Baseball Player • Northern Secrets & Myths • Cinema in the Round • Words only to be Spoken Among Friends • Magic Carpets and Walnut Pirozhki • An Icon Painter's Hidden World • Izmail Sreznevsky • Nixon does Moscow • Yevgeny Vakhtangov • Pussy Riot • Police Abuse and Reform


Mar/Apr 2012

March/April 2012

The Czech Legion • When Pigs Fly (A 30-year Lawsuit) • The Ice Breaks • Alexander Herzen • Rapallo • Kornei Chukovsky • The Mail Troika • Seeing Blue • Hazelnut Rusks • Vasily Bazhenov • Putin's Re-Election


Jan/Feb 2012

January/February 2012

The New Russian Philanthropy • Will Sochi be Ready? • Lev Theremin: The Soviet Faust • American Surgeons in Russia • Lyubov Orlova • The Table of Ranks • Law Forbidding Soviets to Marry Foreigners • Alexander Scriabin • Vysotsky, Alliluyeva, Alexeyev and other personages of note • Waiting for Miracles • Dealing with too much hospitality


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Russian Life is a publication of a 30-year-young, award-winning publishing house that creates a bimonthly magazine, books, maps, and other products for Russophiles the world over.

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Russian Life
73 Main Street, Suite 402
Montpelier VT 05602
