Search Results

There are 43 item(s) tagged with the keyword "world war ii".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 43

1. Immortal or No?

Russia's Immortal Regiment demonstrations have petered out, reflecting a distaste for grassroots patriotism.

Tags: Victory Day, world war ii, memory
2. Tanks but No Tanks

The Estonian city of Narva, on the Russian border, quietly dismantled a Soviet memorial featuring a T-34 tank.

Tags: memory, history, estonia, tank, world war ii
3. Searching for Nazis

Putin says he invaded Ukraine to root out Nazis. Zelensky compares the defense of Ukraine to the heroism of the 1940s. Can both be right? No. No, they can't.

Tags: nazi germany, Ukraine, putin, war in ukraine, world war ii
4. Detained on Victory Day

Over 125 citizens were detained during Immortal Regiment processions across Russia.

Tags: dissent, world war ii, Victory Day, war in ukraine, Ukraine
5. The Russian Granny Made of Steel

"I have enough safety margin for a lot more. Nothing is impossible, even at such a venerable age. Take care of yourself, dear friends, and never be afraid of anything."

– Maria Koltakova, the "Steel Granny," imparting wisdom, insight, and encouragement.
Tags: quote, women, biography, world war ii
6. The Tales Behind the Frames

The stories behind three iconic pieces of Russian art.

Tags: world war ii, repin, icons, history, art
7. Quote-Unquote Eternal Flame

Due to a gas shortage, one former Soviet city has been forced to shut off a war memorial: an "eternal" flame that was never supposed to stop burning.

Tags: world war ii, war, history, monument, eternal flame, moldova, gas
8. News Notes

Pressure on independent journalism, champagne importers, and some Olympics and architectural news.

Tags: journalism, media, world war ii, architecture
9. The Panic

By mid-October of 1941, Moscow seemed on the verge of falling to the Nazis. German troops had reached the city’s edge, and there were rumors of fascist tanks closing in.

Tags: moscow, world war ii
10. Soviet Terror of the Skies: Marina Raskova and the Night Witches

The bravery with which the all-female 588th Night Bomber Regiment defended the Soviet Union from Nazi invasion earned them a legendary nickname.

Tags: ussr, stalin, air travel, women, great patriotic war, world war ii

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 43

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