Search Results

There are 16 item(s) tagged with the keyword "lukashenko".

Displaying: 11 - 16 of 16

11. Pop Star Politics

“Just know that you don’t give away your loved one… Belarusians, we are a force.”

– a group of Belarusian and Russian pop singers, singing in a patriotic music video to support President Lukashenko

Tags: lukashenko, belarus
12. Chocolate, Chichikov, and Chivalry

This week, Lukashenko turns action hero; chocolate is serious business; and a classic Russian author is proven to be right all along.

Tags: women, Gogol, pensions, business, military, politics, belarus, lukashenko
13. Camouflage Candles, Cats in Quarantine, and Belarus

This week Russians get diet advice, the president of Belarus gets kicked out of a neighboring country, and even cats aren't excused from social distancing.

Tags: military, religion, russian food, money, coronavirus, animals, politics, belarus, lukashenko, international relations
14. Ever-Resilient Lukashenko

The President of Russia's neighboring Belarus says he had coronavirus, but even that didn't keep him down.

Tags: politics, health, lukashenko, belarus, coronavirus
15. Lukashenko Gets His "Village Therapy"

The Belarusian President followed his own coronavirus advice, Pomeranian in tow.

Tags: subbotnik, lukashenko, coronavirus, dogs, belarus
16. Get undressed and read the news till you sweat

Presidential speeches urge disrobing, but it's not what you think. All while laws get passed, politicians play judo, and – wait, is that Leonardo diCaprio?

Tags: russia, putin, judo, duma, lukashenko, leonardo dicaprio, soccer
By Alice E.M. Underwood

Displaying: 11 - 16 of 16

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