There are 81 item(s) tagged with the keyword "coronavirus".
Displaying: 11 - 20 of 81
Russophiles delight! The motherland calls, and she's saying that American ex-pats are welcome to enter through her borders once again.
Russia announces "Sputnik Light," the not-actually-low-cal version of their Sputnik V vaccine.
“The fact of the matter is, 80 or 85% of Serbians want the Russian vaccine Sputnik V."
– Down with the naysayers! On May 4, Russian news outlet Izvestiya published a written interview with the Serbian Ambassador Miroslav Lazanski where he explained that, while Serbians choose themselves which vaccine they will receive, the majority would prefer Sputnik V. Remember when The world poo-poo’d the Russian decision to vaccinate without full clinical trials? It looks like not everyone’s complaining these days…
“Well f*** your mother, they positioned it like a monkey!”
– Crimean Minister of Culture Arina Novoselskaya, forgetting to turn off her microphone while on a video call with other Crimean leaders.
Moscovites are thanking medical professionals during the Coronavirus pandemic the best way they know how to: colorful Metro trains.
Russia's Ministry of Industry and Trade has thrown its support behind a measure for distance-selling alcohol.
The president of Russia's neighbor Belarus ended 2020 the same way he started it: in denial over the coronavirus pandemic.
“In the Russian Federation, we have witnessed the heroic dedication, professionalism, and selflessness of all medical workers in the fight against COVID-19. From the first days of the pandemic, they worked on the front line and risked their health and lives every minute.”
– From a report by Hans Kluge, Director of the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO), and Melita Vujnovich, representative of the organization in Russia, on Russian medical workers’ stellar performance throughout the pandemic
Everyone is pretty clear that 2020 was an "off" year. But these six stories were definitely "on." They got the most reads from our thousands of readers...
This week, your mother turns out to be right all along; Aeroflot adapts to COVID; and the European Commission says you can get good, free movies from Russian social media.
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