Search Results

There are 26 item(s) tagged with the keyword "lgbt".

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 26

11. The Party Is Over

An almost-naked party drew backlash from conservative groups, prompting an investigation and the arrest of three attendees.

Tags: censorship, Moscow, sobchak, lgbt, roskomnadzor
12. Ministry of Justice: LGBT Russians Are Next

Russia's Ministry of Justice has filed a lawsuit to label LGBT Russians and their advocacy groups "extremists."

Tags: politics, law, government, human rights, lgbt
13. Russia's Anti LGBT+ War

Taking stock, ten years on from Russia's passage of its first post-Soviet anti-gay law.

Tags: families, children, marriage, human rights, lgbt
14. The Lady with the Tote Bag

A woman was fined for "tarnishing the Russian army” through anti-war imagery and a "provocative" tattoo.

Tags: anti-war, fashion, lgbt
15. Unwritten Resolution

Nizhny Novgorod court shuts "LGBT Propaganda" case on local bookstore.

Tags: lgbt, teenagers, literature, censorship
16. Russia To Ban Gender Reassignment?

A bill was introduced to the State Duma that would ban gender-affirming surgery and gender changes in official documents.

Tags: health, duma, social issues, human rights, lgbt
17. Anti-LGBTQ Law Has Broad Ripples

President Vladimir Putin signed a law against LGBTQ "propaganda." Is this only a homophobic act? Or is it part of something bigger?

Tags: putin, freedom, repression, lgbt
18. Homophobia Codified

The Russian state is preparing to pass new laws banning "gay propaganda" after a recent book led to public outrage.

Tags: book, culture, political repression, lgbt
19. A Soccer Star Speaks Out

Nadya Karpova demonstrated bravery in expressing both her sexuality and her stance on the war in Ukraine.

Tags: women, athletes, soccer, war in ukraine, lgbt
20. Fish Fights, Freight Trains, and Feminist Propaganda

This week, mammoths are ripe for the picking; fishy business practices turn violent; and a TV show is labelled a bad influence on Russian families.

Tags: feminism, transport, train, alcohol, wooly mammoth, food, cars, religion, television, lgbt, Siberia

Displaying: 11 - 20 of 26

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