Search Results

There are 81 item(s) tagged with the keyword "coronavirus".

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 81

41. Getting Out and Shaping Up

“Women most often think about new breasts and buttocks, some receive such operations as a gift from their gentlemen. For men, surgery to correct the shape of the nose and ears is now popular. We took a closer look at ourselves, sitting at home, and apparently decided to improve our aesthetic appearance.”

- Plastic surgeon Dmitry Elenshleger on the popularity plastic surgery in Russia, now that the quarantine is being lifted

Tags: coronavirus
42. The Year of the Crown

As the коронавирусная пандемия (the coronavirus pandemic) still affects just about every aspect of our lives, it has, of course, been changing the way we speak.

Tags: coronavirus, language, health care, health
43. The Show Must Go On

A Russian theater takes to an unusual medium to perform its adaptation of Chekhov's "Cherry Orchard."

Tags: st. petersburg, chekhov, Internet, theater, coronavirus
44. A Feather in Petersburg's Cap

St. Petersburg's deputy governor put forth a compelling reason for his city's more lax coronavirus regulations, compared to Moscow's.

Tags: education, health, Moscow, government, coronavirus, st. petersburg
45. Museum's Modern Masks

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts has found a contemporary way to display classic works of art.

Tags: coronavirus, museums
46. Testing, Testing, One, Two, Three...

Human testing of a coronavirus vaccine is set to begin in Russia, and you, too, can fulfill your dream of being a guinea pig.

Tags: medicine, science, study, health, coronavirus
47. Misplaced Global Anxiety?

“It’s all bullsh*t… It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality.”

-Alexander Myasnikov, appointed in April as Russia’s head of coronavirus information

Tags: coronavirus
48. Car Crashes, Art, and Bikinis

This week arts and crafts flourish under quarantine; a heatwave hits an unlikely place, and coronavirus fashion hits a new high (or low?).

Tags: Moscow, animals, cars, art, women, weather, coronavirus, Siberia
49. Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me

Quarantine is hard on the mind, soul, and waistline.

Tags: health, economy, work, coronavirus
50. "Self-Isolation Hymn"

One of Russia’s beloved comedians wrote a song about quarantine, and performed it in an unusual manner.

Tags: coronavirus, news

Displaying: 41 - 50 of 81

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