Search Results

There are 3 item(s) tagged with the keyword "rospotrebnadzor".

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

1. Good Riddance, McDonald's

The head of a Russian consumer protections ministry expressed glee at the exit of McDonald's from Russia.

Tags: sanctions, fast food, government, rospotrebnadzor
2. The Fight for Dumplings

The governor of Moscow Oblast pushes for pelmeni in schools, despite resistance from the federal government.

Tags: rospotrebnadzor, andrei vorobyov, schools, Moscow, pelmeni
3. The Rainbow Menace

“The demand for primitive toys suggests that not all of society, but a certain stratum, are inclined to simple decisions. Our society is approaching a situation where we will collapse into the abyss of simple solutions to complex issues.”

– Russian psychologist, politician, and head of the Department of Personality Psychology at Moscow State University Alexander Asmolov warns of the risks of Simple-Dimples, Squishies, and Pop-its
Tags: toys, children, psychology, rospotrebnadzor, squishy, pop it, simple dimple

Displaying: 1 - 3 of 3

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