January 30, 2020 Don't mess with this cat! A woman was held hostage by her pet. For two days. Animals News Russia File
January 29, 2020 Rocket Man Rides, Family Life, and Bootlegging, Russian-style In this week's Odder News: a forgetful traveler, spaceman transport, and the seal of approval. Animals Science Social Issues Travel Odder News
January 28, 2020 Meet Russia's favorite sable Siberian sable fur was once Russia's biggest luxury export, but now we can't get enough of Instagram star Umora, the sable inspiring Russians to never look at fur coats again. Animals Internet Interview Russia File
January 22, 2020 Booting a Boot, Selling a Psychic Cat, and Eating Leftovers In this week's Odder News: a Pushkin theme park, a boot-kicking contest, and just the kind of entrepreneurial shake-up the world needs right now. Animals Culture Food & Drink St. Petersburg Odder News
January 19, 2020 The Skinny on Fat Pets on Flights Does that cat fit in your carry on? Russia mulls flying fat cat regs. Animals Travel Russia File
January 15, 2020 Jogs Good, Like Camel Should A camel in southern Russia, out for a jog, caused severe rail delays. Animals Humor Transportation Russia File
January 11, 2020 The One About the Pigeon and the Hole In the latest of many "active animal" stories, we learn of a pigeon home invasion. Animals Cities & Towns Urban Life Russia File
January 09, 2020 Of pigs and cussing and parachutes This week's Odder News, we cover everything from mummies to hogs, from cussing to bows and arrows. Oh, and skyscraper jumping... Animals Customs Humor Odder News
January 01, 2020 Space Dogs The first earthling to perish in space was the Soviet space dog Laika. Soon thereafter, the first earthlings to orbit the planet – 60 years ago this summer – were Belka and Strelka. Animals History Space
December 29, 2019 Snowboarder v. Snowbird Snowboarder and filmmaker Igor Popelyukh was enjoying himself off-piste at Sheregesh Ski Resort in Kemerovo Region when a large grouse got seriously pissed off. Animals Humor Sports Russia File