January 22, 2022

Tykes Take to the Web

Tykes Take to the Web
Think twice before typing what you're about to type. The RussianLife files.

Don't forget to set your Safe Search: kids are invading cyberspace.

A new study published by Moscow's Higher School of Economics (HSE) reveals that Russian kids ages 3-6 are entering the internet in droves. According to their research, three times as many children of these ages are now online compared to ten years ago: in 2011, only some 22.6% of this age range was online; today, that number is 68.3%.

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of Russian teenagers are online: some 95%, up only 3% from 2011. 7-11-year-olds nearly doubled, from 42.2% to 83.3%, and 11-14-year-olds, 72% to 94.4%. 90% of Russian adults are online, too.

Surely coronavirus has boosted these numbers, as well as general trends in global culture and technology. Per the study, 83.7% of kids use the internet for school, a statistic we're a little skeptical of.

Our hope, regardless of age, is that they join our RussianLife.com readership.

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