Kursk Region

Kursk Region

Name: Anastasiya Tsayder

Age: 32

Profession: Photographer

City: Kursk Oblast, Sudzhansky rayon: the village of Borki, Plekhovo, Lebedevka and Spalnoye.

How long have you been doing photography? What style or genre most interests you? I have been doing documentary photography for seven years. I like to describe Russian culture and life in Russia, but avoid stereotypes.

Can you give us a short description of your city? Where is it located? What is it famous for? The village of Kursk Oblast are located in the steppe, a rich agricultural region, where work on the land has made people strong and independent. Thanks to their isolated existence, some antiquated ways of life have been preserved.

What is something about your region that only locals would know? Ask locals to show you where battles took place during the Kursk front, or the oak, beneath which Peter the Great supposedly stopped.

Which places or sites are a must for someone to see if they visit your region? The church in the village of Borki. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century, from money collected from peasants.

About the photos: The series of photos here explores the traditional interior of the Russian rural house. All photographs were made inside rural houses close to Russian-Ukranian border where restricted access further slowed down the changes, the interiors are depicted "as-is," without intervention from photographer.

Your website? tsayder.com

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