Search Results

There are 113 item(s) tagged with the keyword "military".

Displaying: 61 - 70 of 113

61. Russian Perspectives on the War in Ukraine

An exploration of Russian perspectives on the war in Ukraine.

Tags: putin, military, repression, media, interviews, perspectives, war in ukraine
62. Rasputitsa: Or, How Ukraine's Mud Is Foiling Putin

One of Russia's greatest military allies has become a potent adversary in Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Tags: military, war in ukraine, history
63. Why Putin Invaded Ukraine

A brief analysis of why exactly Putin invaded Ukraine. And the reason he's giving.

Tags: military, putin, 2022, war in ukraine
64. Of Borscht and Tank Traps

"Yes, this is Odessa. Someone cooks borshch and potatoes for Ukrainian soldiers, and someone cooks anti-tank hedgehogs."

– Journalist Larisa Kozova, reporting on Odessa's defense
Tags: war in ukraine, black sea, Odessa, military
65. Cryptocurrency Goes to War

"Total donations to the APU in cryptocurrency have grown to $12.7 million. This is just two days! Most of all donations are made to Ethereum - $5.5 million, Bitcoin - $4.4 million, Tether - $2.1 million."

– Ukrainian Minister of Digital Transformation, speaking on cryptocurrency donations to the army 
Tags: military, war, economy, cryptocurrency, Ukraine
66. Bellyaching in Belarus

Locals near Belarus's border with Ukraine have complaints about ill-mannered interlopers: Russian troops.

Tags: Ukraine, men, military, belarus
67. Make Not War Art

"In connection with the incident, the State Hermitage was forced to apply to the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg with a statement to conduct a prosecutor's check and assess the actions of a citizen for possible violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in terms of public insult to the memory of the Defenders of the Fatherland.”

– Press Service of the St. Petersburg Hermitage, announcing it would be reviewing an artist’s behavior for potentially insulting the veterans of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Tags: veterans, legislation, patriotic war of 1812, military, painting, artwork, hermitage
68. Fountain Frolicking Forbidden

The St. Petersburg city government has threatened to prevent traditional celebrations of VDV Day by turning off its fountains. Such grinches.

Tags: government, city, st. petersburg, holiday, military
69. Tanks a Lot

The world's largest museum of tanks opens up in the Moscow region. 

Tags: great patriotic war, military, patriotism, museum, tanks, tank, Moscow
70. Lock and Load

For all your zombie apocalypse / Texas boar hunting / frontier bank-robbing needs, we present the Russian revolver shotgun.

Tags: business, technology, military, Kalashnikov

Displaying: 61 - 70 of 113

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