Search Results

There are 69 item(s) tagged with the keyword "education".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 69

1. One Flower For Every Month In Prison

Kevin Lik, an outstanding high schooler from Adygea, was convicted of espionage. His mother tells his story.

Tags: children, political prisoners, education, emigration, espionage
2. A Village Teacher Under Fire

A teacher of high-school language and literature has resigned after being denounced by a colleague.

Tags: repression, teacher, dissent, education
3. Teach Not Fear, But Self-Esteem

A trans woman from St. Petersburg was forced to pull her child from school because of her gender. 

Tags: trans women, politics, education, social issues, lgbt
4. Drones in the Classroom, in the Name of the Motherland

Russian schoolchildren will learn to operate drones in courses designed to teach "life-safety."

Tags: technology, education, schools, drones
5. 54 N 84 E

A young woman flees the capital to Siberia, to teach in a rural school for a year.

Tags: siberia, education
6. Notes at the Front

A poetic last word, a med student with guts, and a Trinity that wants for a home.

Tags: orthodox church, education, dissent
7. Schoolchildren Forced into Youth Movement

Teachers are compelling schoolchildren across Russia to join a state-sanctioned youth movement. 

Tags: education, russian government, politics
8. Schooling amid Shells

Schools in Belgorod are adapting to teaching near a war zone.

Tags: children, education, war in ukraine
9. Born in 2005, Killed At The Front

The BBC recorded the name of the first Russian soldier born in 2005 to be killed in Ukraine.

Tags: independent media, education, draft, military, war in ukraine
10. Student Sentenced for Spying

For the first time, Russia has sentenced a student for spying. The 18-year-old was a high-achieving student.

Tags: education, dissent, caucasus, war in ukraine, children, spy

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 69

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